Evacuation Earth - Pyrrus and Kerk 10 (eBook 20.3.2023)

Evacuation Earth (bod.fi)

The fate of Earth is sealed, and the population must be evacuated. The oganesson, which Pyrrus and Kerk deliver, is not enough to protect against the increasingly strong radiation from space. Only a fraction of the population can be evacuated. The choice is hard but must be done. Pyrrus and Kerk choose to evacuate minorities from all corners of Earth. How to manage the chaos? How to make room for all the refugees in the few spaceships available? Will the refugees have a place in the new Andromeda colonies? 

An old family secret also has devastating consequences for Pyrrus’ and Kerk’s participation in the evacuation. The disaster is closer than ever.

The tenth and final novel about the space adventurers Pyrrus and Kerk, whose motto is ‘It will get better’.

Stig Granfors har gett ut faktaböcker om människans forntida och nutida mysterier, framtidsskildringen Liv, spänningsromanerna Glimt av hopp, Skärseld och Strid, äventyrsromanen Botnia, science fiction romanen Varningen och spänningsromanen Hotet (2019). Historiska gåtor (2019) presenterar forntida gåtor i ljuset av gamla myter och skapelselegender. Biologiska gåtor (2019) behandlar de utmaningar och gåtor naturvetenskapen kämpar med. Spänningsromanen Stonehenge threat utkom 2021. Om inte du (2024)  inleder serien om en desillusionerad före detta pricksksytt Will Diamond. Äventyrsromanerna om rymdäventyrarna Pyrrus och Kerk har skrivits med sonen Marcus Granfors. 


If not you (2024) start the tales about the former sniper Will Diamond. A sequel to the adventure novels written with Marcus Granfors about the space adventurers Pyrrus and Kerk. Neodymium - Pyrrus and Kerk 1 (2020), Westworld - Pyrrus and Kerk 2 (2021), Eastworld - Pyrrus and Kerk 3 (2021), Southworld - Pyrrus and Kerk 4 (2021), Northworld - Pyrrus and Kerk 5 (2021), Desert Planet - Pyrrus and Kerk 6 (2021), Savage Uprising - Pyrrus and Kerk 7 (2022), Horror Lizards - Pyrrus and Kerk 8 (2022), Intelligent life - Pyrrus and Kerk 9 (2022) and Evacuation Earth - Pyrrus and Kerk 10 (2023). The suspense novel Stonehenge threat was published 2021.